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Clearinghouse for Multilingual Documents (CMD)

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Document Information

Original English Document:
2022-2023 Sample Williams Complaint Classroom Notice
Uniform Complaint Procedures
General Education
Local Control Funding Formula
Other Program
The Sample Williams Complaint Classroom Notice is provided by the CDE for LEAs to explain the complaint process for Williams-related issues. The LEAs are required to post the Williams Complaint Classroom Notice in each classroom of each school, notifying all parents/guardians, pupils, and teachers of their rights to file a complaint about possible insufficient instructional materials, unclean and/or unsafe school facilities, and/or teacher vacancies and/or misassignments according to 5 CCR section 4684(a). The use of this particular sample is not required.
English Document:
Language of Translated Document:
Chinese (traditional)
Translator Type:
Translation Service
File Format of Translated Document:
Electronic – Word (.doc)
Font used in translated document (e.g., Arial, Times New Roman, Gulim):
Revised/updated as of:
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Comments about the Translated Document:
Document Reference ID:
Questions: Clearinghouse for Multilingual Documents | | 916-319-0881

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