It is inappropriate to guide parents to CMD translations via direct hyperlinks to the CMD Web site because the translations commonly require additions and modifications by the agency using the translation.
About The Translations Listed Above
For many translations, versions are provided in both Microsoft Word (DOC) and in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). Word format allows users to easily save or modify text; if a user is uncertain if his or her computer operating system allows an accurate depiction of authentic letters or characters, the PDF versions can sometimes be helpful for the purpose of verification. If you are unable to accurately view a document written in a particular language, please refer to the
Troubleshooting page on the Clearinghouse for Multilingual Documents (CMD) site. If you have comments or questions regarding a particular translation, please e-mail the CDE’s Clearinghouse for Multilingual Documents (CMD) at Visit the
CMD site for additional information.